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Disciplines Empty Disciplines

Post by Hrair Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:22 am


Disciplines are the vampiric equivalent of spells. Simply spend the appropriate amount of blood points and watch the fun begin!

No one knows why vampires carry disciplines or where they came from but all Vampires carry them. As the vampire becomes more experienced they can learn other disciplines or become more powerful in they ones they have.

To use a discipline the player must state his intention. The player will then spend the blood points and make a dice check, the story teller will tell the player what the check for success is depending upon the action, to start with the ST will generally follow the below guide for a single dice (Level 1 ability)

1-3 Discipline Fails
3-6 Discipline partially succeeds
6-10 Discipline fully succeeds.

Some abilities do not require dice rolls but give the character permanent buffs.

In-clan Disciplines

The in-clan Disciplines of each clan are listed below:

Assamite: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus
Brujah: Celerity, Potence, Presence
Gangrel: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
Followers of Set: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis
Giovanni: Dominate, Necromancy, Potence
Lasombra: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence
Malkavian: Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate
Nosferatu: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence
Ravnos: Animalism, Chimerstry, Fortitude
Toreador: Auspex, Celerity, Presence
Tremere: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy
Tzimisce: Animalism, Auspex, Vicissitude
Ventrue: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence

All vampires start with their clan disciplines. New disciplines can be acquired by completing quests or diablery.

The list of disciplines to date is not exhaustive. You can see and look at the individual disciplines or explore for a comprehnsive list of disciplines supported in VtM. You should consult with an ST either via PM or in an OOC thread before using a discipline not listed below.

List of disciplines:


Animalism is a signature discipline of the Gangrel clan. It allows the vampire to get in touch with the beast within and control animals around them. constant users of Animalism will find themselves losing humanity and becoming ever closer to the beast within.

(O = Character Power Level.)

O Feral Whispers: Speak telepathically with an animal whose eyes you meet

OO Beckoning: Summon animals of a particular type to you

OOO Song of Serenity: Soothe a creature, making them docile, can also be used to calm frenzied vampires.

OOO Quell the Beast: Put a mortal into a state of fear.

OOOO Subsume the Spirit: Possess the body of an animal

OOOOO Drawing Out the Beast: When about to frenzy send your Beast into another person.


Auspex is a supernatural sense allowing the caster to surreptitiously "scan" a target to find out more about them. at later levels Auspex gives vampires access to telepathy and even astral projection. Vsmpires who constantly use Auspex can become insane.

O Heightened Senses: Raise one of your five senses to superhuman levels

OO An Ear for Lies: Know when someone lies to you
OO Aura Perception: Learn various qualities of a person from their aura

OOO Artist's Intent: Learn details of an artist's state of mind in relation to a piece of art
OOO The Spirit's Touch: Learn something of an object and its previous owner from its resonance

OOOO Telepathy: Briefly probe someone's mind or project a telepathic message to them

OOOOO Psychic Projection: Free your mind to travel the world in astral form


Is a Discipline that grants vampires supernatural quickness and reflexes. There are no specific powers but it instead allows a player to roll additional dice for speed checks and effects the player's speed in other ways.


Is the trademark Discipline of the Ravnos that conjures illusions into existence which can seem very real to the target. Vampires who constantly use Chimerstry will eventually find themselves unable to distinguish real from illusion.

O Ignis Fatuus: Create a motionless illusion that affects one of the five senses.

OO Fata Morgana: Create a motionless illusion that can affect any of the five senses.

OOO Apparition: Add motion to an illusion created by Ignis Fatuus or Fata Morgana.

OOOO Permanence: Make an illusion created by Chimerstry last until dismissed.

OOOOO Horrid Reality: Places the mind of the victim in an illusionary world of the Vampire's creation.


Dementation is the signature discipline of the Malkavian clan. The discipline allows the Malkavian to directly influence the sanity of others, inflicting terrifying visions and madnesses upon her victim.

O Incubus Passion: The Cainite using Incubus Passion doubles or triples his or her victim's emotional intensity. The vampire cannot choose the emotion, merely amplify what is already present. This power works on other Cainites as well as mortals.

O Passion: Amplify or dull emotions present in the victim, increasing the difficulty of frenzy, Virtue, and other rolls

OO The Haunting: Inflict maddening visions upon a victim

OOO Eyes of Chaos: Gain insight into the nature of something through seemingly random patterns

OOOO Confusion: Make someone wander around in a daze

OOOO Silence the Sane Mind: Suppress part of the victim's mind, making them confused, enraged, catatonic, etc.

OOOO Voice of Madness: Provoke extreme fear or anger in victims

OOOOO Total Insanity: Give someone five temporary derangements


Dominate allows the Vampire to control the will of others. The discipline (in particular the power, the forgetful mind) is essential for the maintenance of the masquerade.

O Command: Give a simple one-word order that a target must obey

OO Mesmerize: By holding a target with your gaze you can implant false thoughts or hypnotic suggestions in a target's mind

OOO The Forgetful Mind: Rewrite the memories of a target

OOOO Conditioning: Over time make a target a slave to your will alone

OOOOO Possession: Transfer your mind into a mortal body and control their actions


Fortitude is a Discipline that grants Kindred unearthly toughness, even to the point of resisting fire and sunlight. There are no specific powers to Fortitude until level six but vampires permanently gain a toughness buff relative to their level.


Obfuscate allows vampires increased stealth powers and an ability to remain hidden in plain sight.

O Cloak of Shadows - Remain hidden so long as you do not move.

OO Unseen Presence - Become invisible to others so long as you do not attract attention.

OOO Mask of a Thousand Faces: Change your appearance and mannerisms to mimic someone else.

OOOO Vanish/Fade from the Mind's Eye: Disappear right from in front of someone.

OOOOO Cloak the Gathering: Extend your Obfuscate powers to a group.


Obtenibration is the trademark discipline of the Lasombra clan. it allows the vampire to =take control over the shadows.

O Shadow Play: Move and shape the natural shadows around you.

OO Shroud of Night : Blanket an area in a cloud of unnatural shadow that obscures light, sound, and heat

OOO Arms of the Abyss: Summon black tentacles from the shadows to assist you.

OOOO Black Metamorphosis: Encase your body in nightmarish armor and grow black tentacles from your sides.
OOOO Nightshades: Create temporary objects made of shadow.

OOOOO Tenebrous Form : Transform into pure shadow that can only be harmed by fire, sunlight, or magic


Potence is the Discipline that endows vampires with physical vigor and preternatural strength.
Vampires with the Potence Discipline possess physical strength beyond mortal
bounds. There are no specific powers to potence until Level Six but vampires with this discipline will gain permanent buffs to strength.


Predominantly found amongst the Gangrel clan, protean is a powerful ability which at higher levels allows complete transmogrification into beasts.

O Eyes of the Beast/Witness of Darkness: The Cainite is able to see normally after sunset, without torchlight, and can even perceive things hidden in the darkest caves. When this power is used, the vampire's Beast makes itself evident in his or her red, glowing eyes. Mortals have pronounced the effect, perhaps accurately, "the evil eye."

OO Feral Claws/Talons of the Beast: Turn one's hands into dangerous claws.

OOO Earth Meld/Entered in the Earth: Melt into the earth to hide and rest.

OOOO Shape of the Beast: Transform into a specific animal.

OOOOO Mist Form/Body of Spirit: Cainites dispute the origins and meaning of this power. Many elders, often those Embraced before hearing the word of Christ, maintain that Cainites who know their true selves are able to transcend their bodies and become one with their spirits, forming a very mist in the air. Some vampires Embraced more recently, and who are still true to Church and God, insist that the Damned are not completely forsaken - that the ability to become mist is proof of a soul, whether barred from Heaven or still capable of penance. Regardless of its source, vampires with this power can turn into mist. They may float at a brisk pace and may slip under doors, down flues and through sack-clothed windows. Furthermore, sunlight inflicts one fewer die of damage on vampires in mist form. The vampire's ability to resist powerful winds perhaps demonstrates that mist encompases a spirit or soul. Even storm winds flail vainly when striving to tear apart a Cainite. Yet those same winds can drive the vampire from his or her chosen path, like a leaf from a tree.


Quietus is the signature discipline of the Assamite clan. some of the disciplines are taught by the Assamite Masters and take many years to perfect.

O: Silence of Death: Make the area around you completely silent.

OO Scorpion's Touch: Create a contact poison that greatly debilitates a victim physically.

OOO Dagon's Call: Cause harm from afar to a person who you have touched within the last hour.

OOOO Baal's Caress : Create a poison that can be coated on weapons to make them more dangerous.

OOOOO Blood Essence: Extract the heart's blood of a vampire as a thick liquid that can later be consumed, granting the effects of diablerie

OOOOO Taste of Death: Spit acidic blood at a target


Serpentis is the trademark discipline of the Followers of Set.

O The Eyes of the Serpent: Immobilize someone with your gaze.

OO The Tongue of the Asp: Grow a extended tongue that serves as a weapon.

OOO Mummify: Go into a torpor-like state and be nearly indestructible.

OOO Skin of the Adder: Grow hardened monstrous skin that protects you.

OOOO The Form of the Cobra: Transform into a large venomous snake.

OOOOO Cheat the Scale of Anubis : Remove your heart, making you immune to staking, or remove all your organs and become nearly indestructible
OOOOO The Heart of Darkness : Quickly remove your heart from your body, making you immune to staking


Thaumaturgy is the closely guarded secret blood magic practiced by the vampiric Clan Tremere.


Vicissitude is the signature discipline of the Tzimisce. at higher levels it allows the sculpting and shaping of bone and cartilage allowing the Tzimisce or victim to change shape. in addition it allows those experienced in the discipline to cause massive amounts of non-fatal pain.

O Malleable Visage: A vampire with this power may alter his or her bodily parameters: height, build, voice, facial features and skin tone, among other things. Such changes are cosmetic and minor in scope. He or she might, for example, resume his or her mortal coloration; make him/herself resemble a Moor, Viking or Saracen; or even copy the form of a web-fingered naiad or faerie noble.

OO: Fleshcraft: Alter muscle, fat, and cartilage

OOO: Bone Craft: Alter bone

OOOO: Horrid Form: Transform into the Tzimisce war-form Zulo, the transformation takes 2 turns to complete.

OOOOO: Bloodform: Instantly transform into a pool of sentient vitae.

Story Teller
Story Teller

Posts : 14
Join date : 2014-08-29
Age : 44

Character sheet
Name: Hrair
Clan:: Tremere
Location: Oxford UK

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