The Book of Knoll
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Introduction Empty Introduction

Post by Admin Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:55 pm

What is this forum?

This forum is a play by post roleplaying forum based loosely on  Vampire: The Masquerade; created by White Wolf. This site is not sanctioned by White Wolf, and is available, free of charge, for entertainment purposes only.

How do I play?

Contained within this forum, and sub-forums, is the information needed to create your character and start playing the game. Should you have any questions, please feel free to message an admin and your query will be addressed as soon as possible.

It is presumed  the player is familiar with the clans and the concept of Vampire the Masquerade and has access to the player guides and clan books, at least for their chosen clan.

Whilst this forum uses the original character concept of the masquerade and the clan handbooks, this forum also draws on the notions of Vampire from other texts encourages users to be as creative as possible within the loose boundaries of the masquerade.  As such this forum relies upon the general themes of the masquerade without adopting the specific lore (or back story) contained within the books.

The lore behind this forum whilst loosely based on the White Wolf materials is a constantly shifting creation based on input from the storytellers and more importantly the players.


This forum is a play by post version of the masquerade. Once you are familiar with the general masquerade concept in this sub forum,  and have read at least some of the back stories of some of the key characters here you should be on your way to creating a character.

The general concept of vampire the masquerade is explained on wikipedia:

"The game uses the cursed and immortal vampiric condition as a backdrop to explore themes of morality, depravity, the human condition (or appreciation of the human condition in its absence), salvation, and personal horror. The gloomy and exaggerated version of the real world that the vampires inhabit, called the "World of Darkness," forms an already bleak canvas against which the stories and struggles of characters are painted. The themes that the game seeks to address include retaining the character's sense of self, humanity, and sanity, as well as simply keeping from being crushed by the grim opposition of mortal and supernatural antagonists and, more poignantly, surviving the politics, treachery, and often violent ambitions of their own kind." (

Players are encouraged to write well written posts which explore all aspects of their character being as creative as possible. Players may wish to explore certain themes specific to their character.


Both vampire and this forum are based on the Storyteller System. That is a storyteller (ST) tells a story, sets a quest or otherwise interacts with characters playing monsters and other non-player characters where necessary. In addition to the general Storyteller rules, it uses a number of specific mechanics including chance and character attributes to continue the story.

Once you are familiar with the site rulesthe materials and have a feel for the site having read a few posts you are ready to create a character.

Creating a Well Designed Character

The player has a large amount of freedom in deciding their character and how their character approaches quests.  As such you should think carefully how your character will fit in here. Try to be interesting and original in your character. Rehashing characters from Twilight, Salem's Lot etc is discouraged.

Once you register you will find a character sheet on your own profile you can use to detail your characters vital information. More information on how you build your character and assign skills and attributes is available both in the guide and in the character creation section of this forum.

In addition to your character sheet you should prepare a backstory to your character and post this along with your character sheet in the character approval section.

Once your character has been approved by an ST (mainly just to check your character is not a rehash, and that attributes and abilities have been allocated correctly you are ready to enter the Book of Knoll.  Players are strongly encouraged to select a human character and role play the embrace following a discussion with an ST about what kind of vampire they wish to become.

Your first posts

You should post your approved character into the Characters section of the Book of Knoll. By this time you will probably have discussed with an ST your future vampire character.  Your embrace may take place in your character thread or an open location thread.

Once your character has been approved you may post in any of the location threads appropriate to your character.

The Notion of Time in Book of Knoll

Save for the occurrence of Time Effects and Historic Events the Book of Knoll adots the notion of seasonal fluid time. That is an event a player describes can occur at any time within the current season providing (in general) the event follows the preceding post. Thus if the current season is Summer 2014 events posted can occur anytime in Summer 2014.

Historical threads are allowed as long as they are in keeping with the spirit of the Book of Knoll. Historical Threads, (for instance about how your character is embraced) will likely go in your player character thread.

Time Stamping

You should start all threads with a time stamp, you should add a time stamp to any thread where the events to not immeadiately follow the previous post.

Checks, Chance and Combat

Sometimes mechanics of chance may be required and a ST will tell you they are taking a dice roll. Sometimes a ST may ask a player to take a dice roll. Occasionally you may opt to take a diceroll.

The number of dice used correspond to the player's current skill level, often based on two different skills that together represent the player's ability. For example, to land a punch, the character's strength and brawl skill are combined. The resulting number is the number of die rolled to perform the task. It is up to the story teller to set how high a dice roll must be to be considered a success (usually 6 for standard actions).

Die Check

If the storyteller takes a check it will usually be with a d10 and the outcomes will generally be accordance with the following guidelines.

1 - Action failed spectacularly and something very negative occurred
2 - Action failed and something negative occurred
3 - Action fails and something slightly negative occurs
4 - Action fails
5 - Action neither fails nor succeeds
6 - Action succeeds
7 - Action succeeds slightly better than expected
8 - Action succeeds better than expected
9 - Action succeeds better than expected and something slightly positive happens
0 - Action succeeds much better than expected and something very positive happens.

Player Die Checks

When you are asked to take a dice check the story teller will tell you how many dice roll and what type of die.

To roll a dice:

You must have created a character sheet.
Click on <POST REPLY> (Quick reply does not work for a dice check)
Click on the white dice icon center right bottom of the tool bar in the white reply section
Click on the six sided die icon
Select the appropriate number and type of die
Make your roll.

The storyteller will then react depending on your dice roll.

Open and Closed Threads

Once your character has been approved you should post in an open thread.  Closed threads are for completed quests or ongoing private role plays.

Using Abilities and Disciplines

You should state the discipline or ability you intend to use. You cannot use a discipline you do not possess. You can attempt to use an ability you do not have but the chances of failure will be dramatically higher.

More information on disciplines is available in the Clans section.

Differences between The Book of Knoll and Vanilla Vampire Masquerade

As in any RPG system there are differences in how players play and what players are used to.

For seasoned players the ST team will make every efforts to integrate your own interpretation of the rules. That said please be respectful and remember that the STs and ASTs work hard to keep Book of Knoll interesting for players, as original as possible within the confines of using the Vampire rule system.  Please try and fit your own writings into the spirit of the Book of Knoll as best you can.

Specific House Rules includes:

Basic House Rules and Lore

House Rules

Players must be over 18.

Players can create up to three characters with the same account (you will require two email addresses to sign up two accounts but you can change your email address in your profile.)

Players are responsible for their own posts.

Players should refrain from overly sexually expletive and crude posts.

Players should treat each other with courtesy and respect.

Copyright belongs to the respective copyright holders. Except where content is created by White Wolf the site creator retains copyright for this site.

ASTs and STs must make best endevours to make decisions which are fair and are reasonably likely to promote and assist the enjoyment of this site by all members.

The Admins decision is final. Players should contact an ST regarding any issues with an AST.

Any player may ask for arbitration by an ST.

Player characters cannot kill, permanently dehumanize or permanently incarcerate other player characters. STs can kill characters (total death) but will usually try and avoid doing so aside from extreme bad luck on the part of the player, non action or via agreement with the player.

House Lore

House lore is explained in more depth in the Game section of this site. (The Book of Knoll section)

Vampires are undead and do not subsume to diesase or accident save in rare circumstances.

Vampires can "die again" (total death). This does happen but is rare. Occasionally Princes may inflict capital punishment.

Gehenna has not happened yet.

Vampires beyond Generation 15 cannot be created

Generation 15 Vampires can tolerate sunlight.

Generation 15 Vampires can stomach small amounts of normal food but it will make them ill 2-4 hours after consumption.

Generation 14 Vampires have some tolerance of sunlight

Some elder vampires and master vampires can rely on disciplines to stand sunlight for a short time.

A stake through the heart will kill a vampire but it is very hard to actually get a stake through a vampires heart

Holy water does burn and complete immersion in holy water will result in first roetshrecht followed by injury and total death.

Garlic smells extremely unpleasant to vampires but does not injure them. 

Vampires do cast a reflection in mirrors but the reflection reversed (ie is the right way around.

Okay, What do I do now?

register if you have not already done so. Then get designing a character and post it in the character section here for approval! Hope you enjoy the game.


Posts : 10
Join date : 2014-08-20

Character sheet
Name: The Administrator
Clan:: Human
Location: UK

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